Coronavirus and Drinking Water: What You Need to Know

Right now, grocery stores and retailers across the United States are struggling to keep cases of bottled water in stock. With most states requiring non-essential business closures and banning large gatherings, many citizens are asked to stay indoors. Citizens are also being advised by the CDC and other health officials to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds as often as they can.
While there’s no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 has made it into our municipal water supplies, the World Health Organization and the EPA are still working diligently with local governments to ensure everyone has access to clean drinking water. However, these assurances haven’t stopped people from questioning whether or not tap water is safe and free from COVID-19. That’s why we at Office H2O are here to provide you with everything you need to know during this time.
3 Things You Should Know About Coronavirus and Drinking Water
Tap Water is Still Safe
Much research and testing is being done to help doctors and healthcare physicians understand COVID-19 and how it spreads. They’ve found that the virus is spreading from person to person through respiratory droplets in the form of coughs and sneezes. Thankfully, It is not making its way into the water supplied to your home.
Access to running tap water is exceptionally safe and crucial at this time. We are being told to wash our hands more, wipe down and disinfect all hard surfaces and door handles, and avoid human contact at all costs, meaning your grocery store trips for bottled water cases are limited. With that being the case, you shouldn’t fear your tap water. Local health officials do everything possible to ensure your home has clean, safe, and virus-free drinking water.
Municipal Water Plants have Procedures in Place
Local water and sewer treatment plants are responsible for filtering out all pesticides, toxins, bacteria, and viruses that can live in our water supplies. With highly managed and effective filtration systems in place, the water that reaches your home daily is regularly tested and treated. These measures are cranked up a notch during a pandemic or national emergency.
Currently, water treatment facilities across the country are putting their “continuity of operations” plans in motion, ensuring they are fully staffed, well-equipped, and thoroughly trained to handle higher-than-normal operations. With that being the case, you can rest easy knowing you’ll be supplied with fresh water for bathing, cleaning, and washing your hands.
You Should Disinfect Faucets and Avoid Public Fountains
While the virus may not be living in the water, it does live on surfaces for days at a time. That’s why medical personnel and health officials suggest you disinfect everything in your home and watch what you bring into your home, hence the empty shelves of cleaning supplies. When it comes to the surfaces in your home, you should be focusing on the faucets and nozzles in your home that come into contact with your hands and fingers, as the virus could be lingering on these surfaces for days.
Many government officials have taken their precautions in medical and government buildings, shutting off water supplies to public drinking fountains. While the water from these spouts isn’t contaminated, the push buttons and platforms come in contact with dozens of people daily, increasing the likelihood that bacteria and viruses travel from person to person. By taking extra precautions and limiting contact, local authorities practice what they preach. If you venture out for essentials, try to avoid these water sources and rely on the taps in your homes.
Taste the Difference
If you’re looking for ways to avoid bottled water or heavy water jugs during the coronavirus outbreak, contact the water experts from Office H2O. We have a variety of filtration water systems that are perfect at home or in the office. We maintain the notion that everyone should have access to clean, pure drinking water, which is why our filtrations hook up directly to the water that’s being supplied to your home. No more storing cases of water or installing 5-gallon jugs. Contact us today to find out how you can keep your home and office hydrated, happy, and healthy during COVID-19!