Returning to the Office After Working from Home

The coronavirus pandemic has changed what day-to-day life looks like for communities across the globe. Whole sectors of the economy have gone dormant, airplanes are missing from the sky, corporate buildings are vacant, and cities are quiet. This is what the pandemic demanded of us. Many employees were instructed to work from home during the pandemic for their health and safety, and as the curve has begun to flatten, health and safety will remain top priorities as employees are phased back into the office.
With businesses resuming normal operations and employees returning to the office, many of us are looking towards readapting to a new work environment. Our staff at Office H2O compiled this helpful guide for making a smooth transition back to the office.
Make Yourself at Home
For most of us, returning to the office after working from home means leaving behind conveniences and comforts. If you’re dreading having to work at the office again, one thing that can make the transition more comfortable is to find ways to make your desk feel homier.
While you might not be able to wear sweatpants or paint your nails while on a conference call, simple things such as bringing in a small plant or stocking your cube with your favorite snacks can make your workspace feel more like home. Other ideas include small decorative lights around your desk or changing your computer background to a photo of someone you love. Even these simple changes will make transitioning to working in the office again more comfortable.
Limit Distractions
Another huge change in returning to the office is dealing with the activity and chatter that comes with being around coworkers. This can be especially difficult if you’re used to having a quiet space to work in at home.
While it may be a pleasant change to spend time with your work friends, it can also be difficult to stay productive. Reduce distractions as much as you can by muting your phone or wearing noise-cancelling headphones so you can focus on your work. A little self-discipline may be necessary to implement this, but don’t be afraid to let a coworker know if it isn’t a good time to chat!
Meet with Your Manager Weekly
With all the changes you may experience as you phase back into the office, you may be concerned about staying on top of all your work. For maximum productivity, set weekly meetings with your manager to review your progress. This will give you a chance to discuss everything you’re working on in detail and reflect on your progress. Setting aside the time to meet with your supervisor is an easy way to be proactive and make sure nothing slips through the cracks during the transition.
Track Your Responsibilities
Another good method for proactively staying on top of your work is developing effective time management strategies and organizational systems. After working from home for so long, these strategies will likely need to change some to adapt to the office environment. This adjustment process can take some time, so it’s important to take note of all your tasks, meetings, responsibilities, and your progress on each so you know exactly what needs to be done when.
As more and more employees phase back into the office, this transition time is likely to be a whirlwind. Taking the extra time to pay special attention to your responsibilities and due dates can help prevent you from getting behind.
Social Distancing
It’s important to remember that transitioning back to working in an office does not necessarily mean the threat of the pandemic is over. Across the United States, cases of community infection are still popping up, which means social distancing measures will continue to be necessary for everyone’s health and wellbeing.
If your employer is transitioning you back to the office, employees should wear masks and stay six feet apart, as well as regularly wash their hands. Your employer may also impose limits on gathering areas to encourage social distancing. This may change the way you work, but it is important that we all do our part to limit the spread of the virus.
Office H2O
As our bodies and minds grapple with the stress of the pandemic and its accompanying changes, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water can greatly improve your mental and physical functioning. To find out more about how Office H2O can help you stay healthy during the pandemic, visit our website today.
Photo by Rebrand Cities from Pexels